Application Details

1020 2 Avenue NW

Site Context

The site, commonly referred to as the "triangle site", is located immediately adjacent to the Sunnyside LRT station.

The site is in a prominent location in the heart of Sunnyside and is currently occupied by an art installation (containR) comprising shipping containers with graffiti.

The surrounding area is characterized by:

  • A diverse mix of housing forms and densities to the south and east, ranging from single detached to multi-residential dwellings.

  • Community amenities and retail within walking distance including local retail on 2 Avenue, Safeway to the northwest, and various retail options to the west along 10 Street.

  • Access to bus service directly adjacent to the site (Route 104) providing connections to major employment areas, institutions, and commercial hubs.

  • Access to active transportation options with cycling connections on 9a Street NW 2 Avenue NW and 9 Street.

The site was identified as a development-ready parcel in Calgary's Corporate Affordable Housing Strategy released in 2016

Proposed Land Use Change

Existing Land Use

The existing land use designation is 'Multi-Residential – Contextual Grade Oriented' (M-CGd72) with a maximum density of 72 units per hectare and a maximum building height of 12 metres. The M-CG land use district is intended to support multi-residential development in the built form of townhouses and fourplexes.

The site's proximity to public transit and amenities, coupled with the pressing challenge of housing affordability, provides rationale to match land use to the ARP density expectation.

Proposed Land Use

To facilitate the proposed development Direct Control – based on M-H1 Multi-Residential- High Density Low Rise with a maximum density of 4 FAR and a maximum building height of 26 metres (DC- based on M-H1f4.0h26) is required.

A Direct Control district is required to implement the Hillhurst-Sunnyside Area Redevelopment Plan's Density Bonus Provisions to achieve the site's maximum density.

Policy Context

The site is within the Hillhurst-Sunnyside Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP).

The ARP designates the site within the Transit Oriented Development-Medium Density Mid-Rise area. The ARP applies a maximum density of 4.0 floor area ratio (FAR) and a maximum building height of 26 metres to this site. The proposed design and building scale align with these policies. 

The proposed development for the site maintains the intended ARP land use vision and advances its promotion of transit-oriented development, placing future residents near valuable amenities and services.

City Application Timeline